Our Values

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Since its establishment, EUI has adopted a set of values that establish a binding framework for all the university’s work to structure a working environment within the campus and a framework for all stakeholders when dealing with the university. The university’s governing values are four core values: “Creativity and Excellence," “Respect and Integrity,” “Openness and Engagement,” and “Governance and Transparency.”


  • Creativity and Excellence: EUI adopts the value of “creativity and excellence” as a distinct value to achieve the university's strategic goals. The value of creativity and excellence” includes several other implicit values, such as professionalism and academic freedom. The broader scope also includes the value of commitment to intellectual and cognitive independence. This will guide our work in pursuing excellence”. Excellence in universities can be measured in several ways through the quality of graduates, internationally published scientific research lists, the impact of scientific research, and graduates' employment. Creativity is achieved by faculty and support staff as well as students.


  • Respect and Integrity: The value of respect and integrity” relates to how the university's faculty, staff, and students interact. On the one hand, our interactions must be characterized by integrity and honesty, meaning that all our values must be routinely respected in all university educational, administrative, and decision-making processes and the behavior of faculty, staff, and students. On the other hand, respect means that all university members must be treated equally in the university community according to their role, as each member brings different skills and experiences. The general concept of integrity includes “Academic Honesty,” the charter of honor for the education profession and scientific research.


  • Openness and Engagement: The value of openness and Engagement” includes a focused approach towards community service, industry, and environmental development. It involves assessing communication with society, the environment, and industry and ensuring that our work aligns with and serves the needs of society. This will include researching global and local partnerships, community educational services, educational partnerships, and seeking financial support. This value is closely related to governance and transparency, as we cannot collaborate effectively with our partners while our organizational structures and processes are complex, central, and bureaucratic.


  • Governance and Transparency:

For the university to make effective decisions and provide better service at all levels, administrative excellence at the university is one of the main pillars of this strategy. Governance and transparency will stimulate building an administrative system that avoids centralization, bureaucracy, and complex administrative processes. These will achieve consistency in the authority and responsibilities of similar roles in the various university schools. All of these require an effective Operational Governance structure. This value also urges the efficiency and effectiveness of professional operations and services and developing a funding mechanism through which we support outstanding academic performance.

