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Cybersecurity Club (CIS)

Cybersecurity has become a critical aspect of any modern-day business or organization. As breach after breach hits the headlines, The demand for more cybersecurity professionals to ensure tomorrow’s sustainability became evident.

Empowering the future, Our Cybersecurity Club aims to introduce more job-ready professionals to the field so that you can be one of them now. In the club, you will be educated about tactics and the latest techniques in cybersecurity’s defensive and offensive sides. We provide you with the knowledge necessary to arm yourself and your organizations against modern-day threats, making you the hero of tomorrow.

Readers Club ( Library)

  A group of people—Club Members—who meet regularly to read and discuss books and pieces of writing) or tackle interesting topics with like-minded people to have fun, learn new information, and discuss new ideas.

Enactus Club (BI)

   ENACTUS club under the Faculty of Business Informatics educates, inspires, and supports young people to use innovation and entrepreneurship to solve the world’s biggest problems.

WeDev Club (CIS)

  The field of web development is a growing on-demand field; it is the building and maintenance of websites; it is the work that happens behind the scenes to make a website look great, work fast and perform well with a seamless user experience. Students will be ready to work as full-stack developers as they will gain knowledge and hands-on experience in designing and building websites using real-world problems. They will get to know both frontend technology which cares about the layout, design, and interactivity, and backend technology, which takes care of the database, APIs, and all that happens behind the scenes.


  The ACM International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC) is a multitier, team-based programming competition under the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM). The contest involves a global network of universities hosting regional competitions that advance teams to the ACM-ICPC World Finals. The contest fosters creativity, teamwork, and innovation in building new software programs and enables students to test their ability to perform under pressure.

Student Start Activity ( Engineering)

IEEE Student Branch Club ( Engineering)

  IEEE EUI Student Branch was established in the Spring of 2023 by Dr. Mohamed Ismail, Professor of Physics and Engineering Mathematics at the Faculty of Engineering, and a group of students from the Faculty of Engineering using some guidance from Prof. Ahmed Hassan Youssef, EUI’s Vice President of Academic Affairs and IEEE Egypt Section Chair. The Current Board of IEEE EUI is represented by Dr. Mohamed Ismail, IEEE EUI Counselor, and EUI’s five students, Zeyad Ayman, IEEE EUI SB Chair, Youssef Nagah, IEEE EUI SB Vice Chair, Doha Bahaa Eldin IEEE EUI SB Secretary, Omar Faramawy IEEE EUI SB Webmaster from the Faculty of Engineering, and Omar Aboraya IEEE EUI SB Treasurer from the Faculty of Business Informatics.